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C. S. Lewis and the Crisis of a Christian


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ISBN-13: 9780664239404
Number of Pages: 176
Published: 06/10/2014
Product description
C.S. Lewis has long been recognized as a beloved author of children's literature and an apologist for Christian belief to a skeptical modern world. In this new volume, Gregory S. Cootsona shows us how Lewis can also serve as a guide to the ups and downs of the Christian journey. Like many of us, Lewis suffered from a variety of crises of faith and personal experience. Like us, he came to faith in a world that no longer respects Christian commitment or offers much room for belief in God. Like us, he felt the absence of God when those closest to him died. Like us, he wrestled with doubt, wondering if God is real, or simply the projection of his own wishes onto the screen of the universe. Like us, he knew the kinds of temptations he described with such poignancy and humor in The Screwtape Letters. By examining these and the other crises of C.S. Lewis's life, Cootsona shows us how Lewis found God in each one, and how he shared those discoveries with us in his writing. All those wishing to deepen and enrich their own spiritual journey will find much guidance and wisdom in these pages.
Author Information

Gregory S. Cootsona

Gregory S. Cootsona is Associate Pastor at Bidwell Presbyterian Church in Chico, California. He formerly served as Associate Pastor at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City.

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