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On-Going Imagination

On-Going Imagination

A Conversation about Scripture, Faith, and the Thickness of Relationship

Biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann has always excelled at making the Bible approachable and engaging. Drawn from a series of public conversations...
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From Judgment to Hope

From Judgment to Hope

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While conservative interpreters might believe that prophets were predictors and progressives believe the prophets to be simply social advocates,...
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Holy Disunity

Holy Disunity

How What Separates Us Can Save Us

These days, theres no dirtier word than divisive, especially in religious and political circles. Claiming a controversial opinion, talking about our...
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What Do Our Neighbors Believe? Second Edition

What Do Our Neighbors Believe? Second Edition

Questions and Answers on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

The current social and political climate makes it easy to benefit from religious misunderstanding. Political and religious leaders create fear of the...
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Not Scattered or Confused

Not Scattered or Confused

Rethinking the Urban World of the Hebrew Bible

The Hebrew Bible displays a complicated attitude toward cities. Much of the story tells of a rural, agrarian society, yet those stories were written...
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This popular, comprehensive Bible-reading program for individuals and group study offers a sweeping introduction to biblical themes and concepts....
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When it comes to understanding a passage in the Bible, context is everything. What historical events surround a books composition? What larger...
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Preacher's Guide to Lectionary Sermon Series, Volume 2

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Both lectionary preachers and topical preachers will enjoy the best of both worlds with this second volume of sermon series ideas designed to frame...
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Psalter for Christian Worship, Revised Edition
We lift up the psalms to God as our prayers. We borrow the language of these ancient texts, and they become our works. We are not...
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History of Early Christian Literature
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The Word Made Flesh

The Word Made Flesh

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Most theologians believe that in the human life of Jesus of Nazareth, we encounter God. Yet how the divine and human come together in the life of...
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Lens of Love

Lens of Love

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In order to engage the Bible in the spirit of justice, compassion, and love, Jonathan L. Walton suggests reading the Bible in its...
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Surrendering My Ordination

Surrendering My Ordination

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Volume 2, 1963

In recognition of Karl Barth's stature as a theologian and public figure in the life of Europe and the West, Swiss publisher Theologischer Verlag...
Schleiermacher and Sustainability

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A Theology for Ecological Living

Since the 1960s, theologians have been involved in efforts to guide Christians to reflection and action in light of planetary peril. The contributors...
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