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ISBN-13: 9780804231299
Number of Pages: 201
Published: 01/12/1986
Product description

Elizabeth Achtemeier examines the often-neglected Minor Prophets and explains them as they reflect the church at worship and at work. She sets the Minor Prophets in their canonical context emphasizing the relationship between the message of these prophets and the New Testament. Unique in the use of brief quotations from great preachers' sermons on the prophets, Nahum-Malachi is enriched with the vast insightful store of homiletical interpretation available today.Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

Author Information

Elizabeth Achtemeier

Elizabeth Achtemeier taught Bible and Homiletics at Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. She was an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A), a preacher, and the author of a number of books, including Nature, God, and the Pulpit and Preaching from the Minor Prophets.

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