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Introduction to the Reformed Tradition

A Way of Being the Christian Community


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ISBN-13: 9780804204798
Number of Pages: 284
Published: 01/01/1980
Product description
A concise and readable study for laypersons and clergy alike, this book is indispensable for all informed people in many different confessional communities. With the passion of one who not only observes but believes, John Leith touches on all aspects of Reformed history, theology, polity, liturgy, and Christian culture with a balance of enthusiasm and critical judgment that always rings true.
Author Information

John H. Leith

John H. Leith was Professor Emeritus of Theology at Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education until his death in 2002. He is the author of a number of books, including Basic Christian Doctrine, An Introduction to the Reformed Tradtion, From Generation to Generation, and Crisis in the Church.

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