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Called as Partners in Christ's Service

The Practice of God's Mission


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ISBN-13: 9780664502621
Number of Pages: 152
Published: 07/06/2004
Product description
Using a study of the Gospel of John as a framework, Sherron George affirms that God's mission in partnership, by its very nature, must be ecumenical. This book is intended for all Christians engaged in mission with God and others. It is offered as a theological and practical tool to all in the global church who engage in "re-inventing" partnership in mission for the twenty-first century.
Author Information

Sherron Kay George

Sherron Kay George has been a mission worker and teacher in Brazil, Associate Professor of Evangelism and Missions at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and consultant to the Worldwide Ministries Division of the Presbyterian Chruch (U.S.A.). She was a contributor to Teaching Mission in a Global Context.

Product Reviews

""This book makes it clear that being one with our Christian sisters and brothers and sharing the good news with all are two sides of the same coin, and both are essential for faithful mission in the way of Christ. I eagerly recommend Called as Partners in Christ's Service "to all Presbyterians, and, in fact, to all of those who share a passion to he faithful disciples of Christ in the 21st century."

Customer Reviews