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This Book We Call the Bible

A Study Guide for Adults


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ISBN-13: 9780664501860
Number of Pages: 128
Published: 01/10/2001
Product description
Neither a traditional study of specific books or sections of the Bible, nor a doctrinal study that concentrates on such issues as revelation and authority, This Book We Call the Bible helps lay people focus on the use of Scripture. By dealing with the Bible as a written work and its impact on our hearts, this study provides an increased sense of what the Bible actually is and how we can derive more benefit from reading and studying the Scriptures. Great for individuals and for small- or large-group settings, This Book We Call the Bible includes questions for reflection and discussion with each chapter.
Author Information

James E. Davison

James E. Davison is the retired Director of Continuing Education and adjunct professor of New Testament Greek at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He served previously as a pastor and has written a number of books for pastors and laypersons, including the national congregational program, The Year of the Bible.

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