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Searching for Truth

Confessing Christ in an Uncertain World


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ISBN-13: 9780664501396
Number of Pages: 115
Published: 01/03/2001
Product description
How can we speak the truth as truth, yet speak it in love? How can we avoid the temptation either to think that we alone possess the truth or to trim the truth to make it less offensive to the world? These are some of the questions that this clearly written book attempts to answer, questions about the challenge of claiming and trusting the truthfulness of gospel in a time when all such truth claims are suspect. The Foundations of Christian Faith series consists of twelve volumes on major theological themes such as the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, and the person and work of Jesus Christ. This series enables readers to learn about contemporary theology in ways that are clear, enjoyable, and meaningful. It examines the doctrines of the Christian faith and stimulates readers not only to think more deeply about their faith but also to understand their faith in relationship to contemporary challenges and questions. Individuals and study groups alike will find these guides invaluable in their search for depth and integrity in their Christian faith.
Author Information

Thomas W. Currie III

Thomas W. Currie III is Professor of Theology and Dean of Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Charlotte, North Carolina. He is the author of Searching for Truth: Confessing Christ in an Uncertain World and Prayers for the Road: Psalm Meditations for College Students.

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