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Thu 20 Apr 2023 @ 15:30
Pre-order your copy today! @karoline_lewis #comingsoon #preachingtheword #preaching
Author(s): Charles L. Campbell, Willie James Jennings
Through its shocking incongruities and transgressive forms, the grotesque offers an intriguing lens for exploring the scandal of the gospel and the challenges of Christian preaching. Drawing on diverse sources-from Swedish crime fiction and contemporary poetry to James Cone, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Pussy Riot-this book will examine the theological, homiletical, and social implications of a grotesque gospel for contemporary preachers. The book focuses on three aspects of preaching and the grotesque: (1) the ways in which a grotesque gospel unsettles the preacher and challenges the "false patterns" that often shape Christian preaching; (2) the importance and challenges of resisting the weaponized grotesque, which dehumanizes people and furthers the power of dominant groups; (3) the incarnate Word as the carnivalesque, grotesque body of Jesus, which calls the church to become the porous and inclusive body of Christ. The Scandal of the Gospel is the written adaptation of Yale Divinity School's Beecher Lectures, given by Charles Campbell in 2018. The last chapter, "Preaching and the Environmental Grotesque," is a new addition.
Charles L. Campbell is James T. and Alice Mead Cleland Professor Emeritus of Homiletics at Duke Divinity School, past president of the Academy of Homiletics, and the 2018 Beecher lecturer. His publications include The Word before the Powers: An Ethic of Preaching; Preaching Jesus: New Directions for Homiletics in Hans Frei's Postliberal Theology; Preaching Fools: The Gospel as a Rhetoric of Folly; and 1 Corinthians in the Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible series. Willie James Jennings is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Africana Studies at Yale Divinity School. He is the author of The Christian Imagination: Theology and the Origins of Race, which received the American Academy of Religion Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion in the Constructive-Reflective category as well as the Grawemeyer Award in Religion, the largest prize for a theological work in North America. A prolific writer and highly sought-after speaker, he is also an ordained Baptist minister.