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Author(s): Elizabeth F. Caldwell, Carol A. Wehrheim
Elizabeth F. Caldwell is Professor Emerita of Pastoral Theology at McCormick Theological Seminary and Visiting Professor in Religious Education at Vanderbilt Divinity School. A noted Christian educator and author, Caldwell was an editor for the Common English Bible translation and Daily Feast: Meditations from Feasting on the Word. She was named APCE Educator of the Year in 2004. Carol A. Wehrheim is author of The Baptism of Your Child; Getting It Together: Spiritual Practices for Faith, Family, and Work; and Giving Together: A Stewardship Guide for Families. She is an award-winning Christian educator in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and served as general editor for the Feasting on the Word Curriculum. She was named APCE Educator of the Year in 2001.