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Feasting on the Word Children's Sermons for Year C


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ISBN-13: 9780664261092
Number of Pages: 158
Published: 30/09/2015
Product description

Many pastors are confused about what to say during children's time in churches. Feasting on the Word Children's Sermons for Year C offers practical suggestions for preparing and delivering the children's sermon. After explaining the purpose of the children's sermon, noted Christian educator Carol Wehrheim provides a story for each Sunday of the church year based on the Revised Common Lectionary. In addition, a few stories are provided for special moments in the church's life, such as when a mission group is commissioned, church leaders ordained, a death occurs. This resource provides pastors and other church leaders with fresh, engaging stories that children will understand and enjoy.

Author Information

Carol A. Wehrheim

Carol A. Wehrheim is author of Getting It Together: Spiritual Practices for Faith, Family, and Work; The Baptism of Your Child; and Giving Together: A Stewardship Guide for Families. She is a noted Christian educator in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and today is the general editor for the PCUSA Feasting on the Word Curriculum. She was named APCE Educator of the Year in 2002. More importantly, she taught children in the church school for decades and has given the children's story in worship for years.

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