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Epistles of John


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ISBN-13: 9780664258016
Number of Pages: 130
Published: 01/04/2001
Product description
David Rensberger shows here how the Epistles of John spoke to the emerging concerns of an early Christian community that cherished John's Gospel. The Epistles apply many of the themes of the Gospel to new situations. In particular the Elder, who writes these epistles, reminds his readers that their love of God must be made concrete in the love they show their fellow Christians. At the same time, Rensberger shows how these letters face the problems of theological disagreement and church division, and how they can help Christians today better understand theological diversity and the struggle for church unity. Books in the Westminster Bible Companion series assist laity in their study of the Bible as a guide to Christian faith and practice. Each volume explains the biblical book in its original historical context and explores its significance for faithful living today. These books are ideal for individual study and for Bible study classes and groups.
Author Information

David Rensberger

David Rensberger is Professor of New Testament at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia and author of several publications on the New Testament, including Johannine Faith and Liberating Community.

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