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To Each Its Own Meaning, Revised and Expanded

An Introduction to Biblical Criticisms and Their Application

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ISBN-13: 9780664257842
Number of Pages: 304
Published: 01/07/1999
Product description
This volume introduces the reader to the most important methods of biblical criticism. It serves as an indispensable handbook for the work of students approaching biblical studies for the first time and for the professional interpreter of scripture who wants to understand the latest currents in biblical scholarship.
Author Information

Steven L. McKenzie, Stephen R. Haynes

Steven L. McKenzie is Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and Spence L. Wilson Senior Research Fellow at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. He is author, editor, or coeditor of many books, including To Each Its Own Meaning: An Introduction to Critical Methods of Biblical Study, published by Westminster John Knox Press. Stephen R. Haynes is Professor of Religious Studies at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. He is the author of The Bonhoeffer Phenomenon: Portraits of a Protestant Saint and The Bonhoeffer Legacy: Post-Holocaust Perspectives.

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