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Praising God

The Trinity in Christian Worship

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ISBN-13: 9780664257774
Number of Pages: 207
Published: 01/05/1999
Product description
Here at last is a book that attends both to the call for more inclusive language in worship and to the traditional claims of Trinitarian theology. The authors insist that the Trinity must remain at the heart of Christian worship. But this need not confine us to a single formula or a narrow range of images; indeed, new forms of language are essential if we are properly to praise the unnamed, all-named, triune God. This book is brimming with liturgical resources, including prayers, hymn texts, and sample sermons.
Author Information

Ruth C. Duck, Patricia Wilson-Kastner

Ruth C. Duck has recently retired to Claremont, California, after teaching twenty-eight years as a professor of Worship at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois. Her writings about Christian worship include Finding Words for Worship and Praising God: The Trinity in Christian Worship, published by Westminster John Knox Press. A prolific writer of songs for worship, she has hymn texts appearing in hymnals in many countries and denominations, and she has been honored as a Fellow of the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada in recognition of her contributions to congregational song. Patricia Wilson-Kastner was an Episcopal priest, writer, and educator.

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