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Speaking the Truth in Love

Prophetic Preaching to a Broken World


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ISBN-13: 9780664257743
Number of Pages: 224
Published: 01/09/1998
Product description
J. Philip Wogaman challenges preachers not to retreat from the world and to reconsider what they leave out of their sermons. In this helpful guide, he discusses the biblical and theological grounding of prophetic preaching, the pastoral and liturgical setting, Christian moral decision making, and appropriate issues for discussion from the pulpit. He also includes his most compelling sermons, identifying the setting and goals of each.
Author Information

J. Philip Wogaman

J. Philip Wogaman is former Senior Minister at Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, D.C. and former Professor of Christian Ethics at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. Wogaman is a past president of the Society of Christian Ethics of the United States and Canada and the author of several books on Christian ethics.

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