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Jewish People in Classical Antiquity

From Alexander to Bar Kochba

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ISBN-13: 9780664257279
Number of Pages: 246
Published: 01/04/1998
Product description
John Hayes and Sara Mandell provide a clear exposition of Jewish history from 333 BCE to 135 CE. This volume focuses on the Judean-Jerusalem community from a historical rather than ideological or theological perspective. With the inclusion of charts, maps, and ancient texts, the authors have constructed a fascinating account that is indispensable for the study of this crucial period.
Author Information

John H. Hayes, Sara R. Mandell

John H. Hayes is Professor Emeritusof Old Testament at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, in Atlanta, Georgia. He is the author of numerous books, including Introduction to the Bible, Biblical Exegesis: A Beginner's Handbook (with Carl Holladay), The Jewish People in Classical Antiquity (with Sara Mandell), and Old Testament Theology: Its History and Development (with Frederick Prussner), all published by WJK. Sara R. Mandell, Professor Emeritus at the University of South Florida, earned her BA (Latin), MA (Latin), and PhD (Classics) at NYU. Mandell studied Organ with Frederick Swann and Virgil Fox at Riverside Church in NY. She served on the Classics faculty of Emory University and subsequently both the Classics and Religious Studies faculty of The University of South Florida. Mandell won honorable mention in the Westinghouse Science Talent Search (now the Intel Search) for research in Physical Chemistry. She is the recipient of NYU's Founders Day Award, two State of Florida teaching awards, and a USF Distinguished Service award. She has published numerous articles and books chapters and is the co-author of two books (one with David Noel Freedman and one with John H. Hayes). Mandell served as President of the SouthEastern Region of ASOR. She was on the editorial board of USF Studies in the History of Judaism and was Editor of its sub-series, The Hebrew Scriptures and their World.

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