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Transforming God

An Interpretation of Suffering and Evil


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ISBN-13: 9780664257118
Number of Pages: 244
Published: 01/05/1997
Product description
Theologian Tyron Inbody suggests a new understanding of God in this highly accessible introduction to Christian perspectives of suffering and evil. Interpreting suffering and evil as religious problems, Inbody analyzes and assesses the notion of an all-loving and omnipotent Deity found in classical theism. He concludes with a radical reinterpretation of the Christian Deity as a vulnerable, transforming God, one recognized by both process and Trinitarian theology.
Author Information

Tyron L. Inbody

Tyron L. Inbody is the author of The Transforming God: An Interpretation of Suffering and Evil and The Many Faces of Christology. He has taught courses in theology at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio.

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