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New Testament Christology


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Paperback / softback
ISBN-13: 9780664256944
Number of Pages: 320
Published: 01/02/1999
Product description
How should we understand the Christ of the New Testament? What is the biblical framework that theologians and students must master if their systematic Christology is to be rooted in Scripture? In this book, Frank Matera answers these questions through a comprehensive study of the Christology found in the New Testament.
Author Information

Frank J. Matera

Frank J, Matera is the Andrews-Kelly-Ryan Professor of NewTestament at the Catholic Universityof America in Washington, D.C. He is a past president of the Catholic BiblicalAssociation of America. He is the author of ten books, includingNew Testament Ethics, New TestamentChristology, and II Corinthians in the New TestamentLibrary series, all published by WJK.

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