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Hebrew Bible Today

An Introduction to Critical Issues

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ISBN-13: 9780664256524
Number of Pages: 256
Published: 01/05/1998
Product description
Scholarship in the Hebrew Scriptures is more bountiful and diverse than ever before, a situation that presents a formidable challenge to the student trying to understand the critical issues in Hebrew Bible study. This book deals with each section of the canon and explains the standard questions, with special attention to points of scholarly agreement and contention. Written by an international group of preeminent scholars, this collection is intended for readers with a diversity of interests and is specifically designed for those making their first acquaintance with the complex character of the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament.
Author Information

Steven L. McKenzie, M. Patrick Graham

Steven L. McKenzie is Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and Spence L. Wilson Senior Research Fellow at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. He is author, editor, or coeditor of many books, including To Each Its Own Meaning: An Introduction to Critical Methods of Biblical Study, published by Westminster John Knox Press. M. Patrick Graham is Margaret A. Pitts Professor of Theological Bibliography and Director of Pitts Theology Library at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, in Atlanta, Georgia.

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