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We Were Baptized Too

Claiming God's Grace for Lesbians and Gays

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ISBN-13: 9780664256289
Number of Pages: 139
Published: 01/01/1996
Product description
Within the liturgy, congregations pledge to accept, love, forgive, and nurture the newly baptized member. The church, however, often lives out this covenant selectively, forcing its gay and lesbian members into silence, alienation, and doubt. We Were Baptized Too challenges the church to take seriously its understanding of baptism and communion as a means of grace, justice, and liberation.
Author Information

Marilyn Bennett Alexander, James Preston

Marilyn Bennett Alexander is an author and consultant on community building and spiritual renewal. She has served as Executive Director of Perkins Relations at the Southern Methodist University Perkins School of Theology. James Preston has served as Outreadch Coordinator for the Reconciling Congregation Program in Chicago, Illinois.

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