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Victorious Christ

A Study of the Book of Revelation


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ISBN-13: 9780664256203
Number of Pages: 142
Published: 01/08/1996
Product description
The Victorious Christ is the perfect guide for nonspecialists in search of a reliable and interesting exploration of the book of Revelation. The reader is invited to approach the text in a logical and nonthreatening fashion. After acquainting the reader with the book of Revelation and the basic questions, C. Freeman Sleeper deals with matters such as imagery and symbolism and the use of these images in other texts from the same period. He goes on to address the difficult issues of interpretation and the implications of Revelation for Christian living today.
Author Information

C. Freeman Sleeper

C. Freeman Sleeper is Professor Emeritus of Religion at Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia and Visiting Professor of New Testament at Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, Virginia.

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