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All Things Are Possible to Believers

Reflections on the Lord's Prayer and the Sermon on Mount


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ISBN-13: 9780664255176
Number of Pages: 102
Published: 01/02/1995
Product description
The Sermon on the Mount and the Lord's Prayer are at the heart of the New Testament and the key to the message and life of Jesus. In this book, Rudolf Schnackenburg provides a clearly written and easy-to-understand exegesis of the Sermon on the Mount in light of the Lord's Prayer. By doing so, he demonstrates that the strenuous requirements for true discipleship as prescribed in the Sermon on the Mount are indeed attainable especially when read in the contest of Jesus' whole message.
Author Information

Rudolf Schnackenburg

Rudolf Schnackenburg was Professor Emeritus of New Testament Exegesis at the University of Wurzburg in Germany until his death in 2002. He is the author of monumental commentaries on the Gospel of John, the letters of John, and Ephesians.

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