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Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms


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ISBN-13: 9780664255114
Number of Pages: 310
Published: 01/11/1996
Product description
This unique volume briefly identifies nearly six thousand theological terms. Its concise definitions capture a broad range of theological disciplines: biblical studies; church history; ethics; feminist theology; liberation theology; ministry; philosophy; Protestant, Reformed, and Roman Catholic theologies; and more. No other single volume provides such easy access to so many theological definitions. Both the novice and the theologically experienced reader will find the Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms to be of immense value.
Author Information

Donald K. McKim

Donald K. McKim is former Academic Dean and Professor of Theology at Memphis Theological Seminary. He is author or editor of numerous books, including Moments with Martin Luther; Dictionary of Major Biblical Interpreters; The Westminster Handbook to Reformed Theology; and the Encyclopedia of the Reformed Faith.

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