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Prophethood of Black Believers

An African American Political Theology for Ministry


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ISBN-13: 9780664254889
Number of Pages: 176
Published: 01/02/1994
Product description
This valuable resource from one of the founding fathers of the black theology movement discusses how to minister to the black community. Using an interdisciplinary approach, J. Deotis Toberts shows how theological concepts can be applied to education, pastoral care, and political and economic issues.
Author Information

J. Deotis Roberts

J. Deotis Roberts is a highly esteemed theologian who was one of the founders of the Black Theology movement. He has taught and held administrative posts at a number of theological institutions. Among his books are The Prophethood of Black Believers: An African American Political Theology for Ministry, Black Theology in Dialogue, Liberation and Reconciliation: A Black Theology, and A Black Political Theology, all available from WJK.

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