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Spirituality in Ecumenical Perspective


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ISBN-13: 9780664253851
Number of Pages: 200
Published: 01/11/1993
Product description
These essays explore many themes in spirituality--the ecumenical nature of spirituality, theological perspectives, listening, spirituality in the dialogue of religions, action and contemplation, contemplation and work, discernment, eucharistic spirituality, centering prayer, spiritual perspectives on peacemaking, letters for spiritual guidance, and reading for spiritual enrichment. The essays were prepared to honor the life and work of Douglas V. Steere, co-founder of the Ecumenical Institute of Spirituality, and to further explore themes found in his writings.
Author Information

E. Glenn Hinson

E. Glenn Hinson served as Professor of Spirituality and John F. Loftis Professor of Church History at Baptist Theological Seminary in Richmond, Virginia until 1999Before this, Hinson taught at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky for over thirty years. Now in retirement, Hinson continues to serve as Visiting Professor at several seminary schools.

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