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In Search of Wisdom

Essays in Memory of John G. Gammie

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ISBN-13: 9780664252953
Number of Pages: 318
Published: 01/10/1993
Product description
This much-needed volume provides a comprehensive study of wisdom in the Hebrew Bible, in selected intertestamental and Rabbinic texts, and in the New Testament. An introductory essay summarizes the various meanings of wisdom in current research and offers an accurate understanding of the term. With seventeen essays by leading scholars, this helpful book allows students to identify and understand the presence of wisdom in the Bible and related literatures.
Author Information

Leo G. Perdue, Bernard Brandon Scott, William Johnston Wiseman

Leo G. Perdue is Professor of Hebrew Bible at Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, Texas. He is aninternational authority on wisdom literature and the author of numerous books. Bernard Brandon Scott is Darbeth Distinguished Professor of New Testament at Phillips Theological Seminary, University of Tulsa, in Oklahoma. He is a charter member of the Jesus Seminar and a consultant to the American Bible Society. William Johnston Wiseman is Pastor Emeritus of First Presbyterian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

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