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Christian Ethics

A Historical Introduction


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ISBN-13: 9780664251635
Number of Pages: 340
Published: 01/09/1993
Product description
This one-volume history of Christian ethics is the only comprehensive resource currently available to survey major thinkers, movements, and issues from the early church to the present. Topics discussed are: the legacies of Christian ethics, the ethics of early Christianity, the Reformation and Enlightenment, eighteenth and nineteenth-century rationalism and evangelism, Christian ethics in the twentieth century, and Christian ethics toward the third millennium.
Author Information

J. Philip Wogaman

J. Philip Wogaman is former Senior Minister at Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, D.C. and former Professor of Christian Ethics at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. Wogaman is a past president of the Society of Christian Ethics of the United States and Canada and the author of several books on Christian ethics.

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