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Sex in the Parish

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ISBN-13: 9780664250874
Number of Pages: 284
Published: 01/01/1991
Product description
Karen Lebacqz and Ronald Barton examine the gift of sexuality in relation to the parish and the dynamics of sexual desire and temptation. Included in this book are the expreiences of a pastor who did not set appropriate limits; explainations of how the pastoral role affects sexual contact between pastor and parishioner; suggestions for a framework of ethical analysis; an examination of questions for women in ministry, single pastors, and pastors who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual; and a review of ethical issues related to persons who carry responsibilities for the structures of ministerial practice.
Author Information

Karen Lebacqz, Ronald G. Barton

Karen Lebacqz is Robert Gordon Sproul Professor Emeritus of Theological Ethics at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California. Ronald G. Barton is a former Associate Conference Minister in the Northern California Conference of the United Church of Christ in San Francisco, California.

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