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Johannine Faith and Liberating Community


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ISBN-13: 9780664250416
Number of Pages: 172
Published: 01/03/1996
Product description
Building on recent developments in biblical studies, David Rensberger explores new avenues of interpretation of the Fourth Gospel made possible by the rediscovery of its social and historical settings. He looks to the first generation of readers and considers the range of meanings the Gospel might have held for them. He sees that behind the "spiritual" there is the possibility of social and even political interpretations. He discusses the relation of John's Gospel to liberation theology and to contemporary questions on the role of the church in the world.
Author Information

David Rensberger

David Rensberger is Professor of New Testament at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia and author of several publications on the New Testament, including Johannine Faith and Liberating Community.

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