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Process Theology

An Introductory Exposition

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ISBN-13: 9780664247430
Number of Pages: 192
Published: 01/03/1996
Product description
Process Theology is an introductory exposition of the theological movement that has been strongly influenced by the philosophies of Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne. It offers an interpretation of the basic concepts of process philosophy and outlines a "process theology" that will be especially useful for students of theology, teachers of courses in contemporary philosophy, ministers, and those interested in current theological and philosophical trends.
Author Information

John B. Cobb Jr., David Ray Griffin

John B. Cobb Jr. has held many positions including Ingraham Professor of Theology at the Claremont School of Theology, Avery Professor at the Claremont Graduate School, Fullbright Professor at the University of Mainz, and Visiting Professor at Vanderbilt, Harvard, and Chicago Divinity Schools. His writings include Christ in a Pluralistic Age: God and the World; and, with coauthor Herman Daly, For the Common Good, which was cowinner of the Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order. David Ray Griffin is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Theology at Claremont School of Theology, Professor Emeritus of Religion at Claremont Graduate University, and Co-Founder of the Center for Process Studies. He is the author of Two Great Truths: A New Synthesis of Scientific Naturalism and Christian Faith, and coauthor, with John B. Cobb Jr., of Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition. Author of numerous books in philosophy of religion, he has also published two popular books on the World Trade Center attacks: The New Pearl Harbor: Distubing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 and The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions.

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