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Jeremiah Volume 2 and Lamentations

Chapters 21-52


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ISBN-13: 9780664245818
Number of Pages: 224
Published: 01/01/1986
Product description
In this volume Robert Davidson examines Jeremiah's uncomfortable relationship with the political and religious establishments of his day. He guides us through the prophecies given in the last years of Jerusalem, the account of the fall of Jerusalem, the oracles against foreign nations, and a final historical appendix. In discussing Lamentations, Davidson states that in this biblical book are found "not only moving and passionate expressions of grief and sorrow, but also of faith.. Such faith was only possible for those who took seriously what Jeremiah had all along said about the inevitable working out of God's judgment upon Jerusalem." Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay's New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.
Author Information

Robert Davidson

Robert Davidson is Professor Emeritus of Old Testament Literature at the University of Glasgow in Scotland.

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