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Unexpected News

Reading the Bible with Third World Eyes


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ISBN-13: 9780664245528
Number of Pages: 168
Published: 01/01/1984
Product description
In Unexpected News, Robert McAfee Brown looks at ten biblical texts through a new lens. Brown's analysis is concerned with how our reading of the Bible is dependent on our experiences and worldview. Brown sets out to understand how "third world Christians," that is, Christians who live in poverty and powerlessness, interpret the Bible. Brown argues that by reading the Bible in new ways, we can learn more about other cultures as well as gain a new understanding of the biblical message.
Author Information

Robert McAfee Brown

Robert McAfee Brown was a well-known theologian, writer, teacher, and social activist. He authored many books, including The Bible Speaks to You; Liberation Theology: An Introductory Guide; Reclaiming the Bible; Religion and Violence; Theology in a New Key; and, a novel, Dark the Night, Wild the Sea, all published by Westminster John Knox Press.

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