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Intimate Connection

Male Sexuality, Masculine Spirituality


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ISBN-13: 9780664240653
Number of Pages: 144
Published: 01/01/1988
Product description
In recent decades, men have begun to question seriously their traditionally held roles and values. The women's movement, popular books, and male images on television and in films have all contributed to men's uncertainty about themselves. There is a major shift taking place in the perception of sexuality. James Nelson asserts that men and women seek something the sexual revolution did not provide: an understanding of the true meaning of love. This, he claims, is the unfinished business of that revolution.
Author Information

James B. Nelson

James B. Nelson is Professor Emeritus of Christian Ethics at the United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in New Brighton, Minnesota. He is the author of numerous books, including Body Theology and The Intimate Connection: Male Sexuality, Masculine Spirituality, both published by WJK.

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