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Texts for Preaching - Year A

A Lectionary Commentary Based on the NRSV

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ISBN-13: 9780664239169
Number of Pages: 589
Published: 07/02/2014
Product description

Based on the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, this third in a series of three volumes provides resources for an entire year of sermons and offers practical help for preachers and others who use the Revised Common Lectionary.

Beginning with Advent, this unique and comprehensive resource deals with lectionary texts for Year A. Each of the four texts--the Old Testament, Psalter, Gospel, and Epistle--for each Sunday and important festival day, including Christmas, Ash Wednesday, and Good Friday, is treated.

A brief introdution for the day indicates the general thrust of the texts and the relationships among them, emphasizing the interpretation of the texts themselves. Also included are suggestions concerning the implications of the texts for life today.

Author Information

Walter Brueggemann, Charles B. Cousar, Beverly Roberts Gaventa

Walter Brueggemann is William Marcellus McPheeters Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary. An ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, he is the author of dozens of books, including Sabbath as Resistance: Saying No to the Culture of Now, Journey to the Common Good, and Chosen? Reading the Bible amid the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

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