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Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching


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ISBN-13: 9780664238834
Number of Pages: 98
Published: 15/12/2011
Product description

In this commentary, Fred Craddock focuses on the text of Philippians rather than on conversations among scholars about the text. His commentary on the text differs from many other commentaries in that issues of authorship, date, place of writing, integrity, of purpose are dealt with at points where the text itself raises these issues. In order to assist those who preach, Craddock gives special attention to passages that appear in most lectionaries. Further, he draws attention to the theology of Paul as reflected in all of his letters wherever it enlightens or is enlightened by the text. Craddock helps the reader understand what it meant for an apostle and a church to be partners in the gospel.Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

Author Information

Fred B. Craddock

Fred B. Craddock is the Bandy Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Preaching and New Testament at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, in Atlanta, Georgia. He is also Minister Emeritus at Cherry Log Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Cherry Log, Georgia.

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