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I Believe I'll Testify

The Art of African American Preaching


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ISBN-13: 9780664236779
Number of Pages: 176
Published: 04/04/2011
Product description
Cleo LaRue is one of the best-loved preachers and writers about preaching. In past volumes, he has brought together great collections of African American preaching to showcase the best preaching from across the country. Here he offers his own insights into what makes for great preaching. Filled with telling anecdotes, LaRue's book recognizes that while great preaching comes from somewhere, it also must go somewhere, so preachers need to use the most artful language to send the Word on its journey.
Author Information

Cleophus J. LaRue

Cleophus J. LaRue is Francis Landey Patton Associate Professor of Homiletics at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey. He is the author of The Heart of Black Preaching and the editor of Power in the Pulpit: How America's Most Effective Black Preachers Prepare Their Sermons, both available from WJK.

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