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40 Treasured Bible Verses

A Devotional


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ISBN-13: 9780664236533
Number of Pages: 136
Published: 21/01/2011
Product description
This wonderful devotional book will stimulate both mind and heart. Howell provides contexts for the selected verses and draws from a wide range of sources to illuminate their meaning for Christian faith and life today. His insights are richly rewarding. He encourages, inspires, and motivates us to understand the biblical verses in relation to faithful Christian discipleship. Howell's pastoral sensitivities combined with his studies and seasoned wisdom make this book an outstanding companion to Scripture reading and a gift to all Bible readers.
Author Information

James C. Howell

James C. Howell is pastor of the Myers Park United Methodist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. He is the author of a number of books, including 40 Treasured Bible Verses: A Devotional; The Will of God: Answering the Hard Questions; The Beatitudes for Today; and Introducing Christianity: Exploring the Bible, Faith, and Life.

Product Reviews

"This book should come with a warning label:Caution: Encountering the Word of God through these pages might well change your life. James Howell combines the loveliness of a poet with the insights of a theologian and the scholarship of a Bible student. The riches of these devotions should be sipped, not gulped. Reading this book has reminded me that God is not through with me yet." F. Belton Joyner Jr., author of United Methodist Questions, United Methodist Answers and Being United Methodist in the Bible Belt.

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