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Handbook of Biblical Criticism, Fourth Edition

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ISBN-13: 9780664235345
Number of Pages: 272
Published: 23/11/2011
Product description
The fourth edition of this best-selling textbook continues to be a valuable resource for the beginning student in the critical study of the Bible. Thoroughly revised to include the newest methods, recent discoveries, and developments in the field of biblical criticism over the past decade, the Handbook of Biblical Criticism is designed to be a starting point for understanding the vast array of methods, approaches and technical terms employed in this field. Updates in this edition also include an expanded dictionary of terms, phrases, names, and frequently used abbreviations, as well as a bibliography that includes the most up-to-date date publications.The Handbook of Biblical Criticism is a valuable introductory textbook and a reliable guide for pastors, laypersons, and scholars whose expertise lies in other fields.
Author Information

Richard N. Soulen, R. Kendall Soulen

Richard N. Soulen is Professor Emeritus of New Testament Studies at the Virginia Union University School of Theology in Richmond, Virginia. R. Kendall Soulen is Professor of Systematic Theology at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC.

Product Reviews

"For a quarter of a century I have consistently used and recommended Soulens' Handbook of Biblical Criticism...Scholars and students alike owe the Soulens great thanks for this most helpful resource." Marion L. Soards, Professor of New Testament Studies, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

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