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Mark's Gospel from Scratch

The New Testament for Beginners

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ISBN-13: 9780664234867
Number of Pages: 128
Published: 18/01/2010
Product description
This useful and accessible guide provides an introduction the Gospel of Mark. It is perfect for readers who are new to the Gospel as well as those who are looking for a new perspective on its message. This guide is perfect for individual or group study. Donald L. Griggs' popular volumes The Bible from Scratch: The Old Testament for Beginners and The Bible from Scratch: The New Testament for Beginners presented basic themes, histories, personalities, and meanings of the Bible. With this expansion of the series, Griggs offers the lay reader an opportunity to build on the foundation of that broad knowledge with a series of volumes based on the individual books of the Old and New Testaments. A leader's guide and participant section are included for each book, making each volume an excellent resource for group or individual study.
Author Information

Donald L. Griggs, Charles D. Myers Jr.

Donald L. Griggs is a respected Christian educator, author, and former teacher at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia, where he is currently a member of the Board of Trustees. Griggs also served for many years as a consultant to The Kerygma Group. Charles D. Myers Jr. is Associate Professor of Religion and Chair of the Religion Department at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania.

Product Reviews

"Mark's Gospel from Scratch is a helpful resource for group Bible study-especially for a group new to Bible study... This guide to the Gospel of Mark sets us up for success-no matter how experienced or inexperienced with the Bible we are. All we need to do is follow along." B. L. Young, Bible Study Magazine, July/August 2010, p. 48 "Offers any curious reader a wonderful guide to the Scriptures. Everyone can learn something from studying the Bible with Donald Griggs" Patrick D. Miller, Professor Emeritus of Old Testament Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary "Both the eager learner and the anxious leader receive help and support." Freda Gardner, Professor Emerita of Christian Education, Princeton Theological Seminary

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