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Old Testament Narrative

A Guide to Interpretation


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ISBN-13: 9780664234645
Number of Pages: 280
Published: 01/02/2010
Product description
The Old Testament's stories are intriguing, mesmerizing, and provocative not only due to their ancient literary craft but also because of their ongoing relevance. In this volume, well suited to college and seminary use, Jerome Walsh explains how to interpret these narrative passages of Scripture based on standard literary elements such as plot, characterization, setting, pace, point of view, and patterns of repetition. What makes this book an exceptional resource is an appendix that offers practical examples of narrative interpretation- something no other book on Old Testament interpretation offers.
Author Information

Jerome T. Walsh

Jerome T. Walsh was Professor of Old Testament at the University of Botswana and the University of Dallas. He is the author of Style and Structure in Biblical Hebrew Narrative.

Product Reviews

"This beginner's guide is a success."--James Chukwuma Okoye, CSSp, The Bible Today, July 2010, p. 238

Customer Reviews