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Collected Sermons of William H. Willimon


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ISBN-13: 9780664234461
Number of Pages: 304
Published: 07/09/2010
Product description
William H. Willimon, one of the most respected voices in the pulpit today, has been inspiring congregations and their leaders for decades. This marvelous collection of sermons-mined from Willimon's earliest pastorates, through his time as Dean of the Chapel at Duke University, to his current calling as a Presiding Bishop of the United Methodist Church-provides a fascinating and inspiring look at this master preacher. Ordered chronologically and with an index of scriptural references, this collection will be a source of inspiration and education for decades to come.
Author Information

William H. Willimon

William H. Willimon is the Presiding Bishop of the Birmingham Area of the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church. Recognized as one of the most effective preachers in the English-speaking world, he is the author of several books, including United Methodist Beliefs: A Brief Introduction and The Early Preaching of Karl Barth, both published by WJK.

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