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Thu 20 Apr 2023 @ 15:30
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Author(s): J. Philip Wogaman
J. Philip Wogaman is former Senior Minister at Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, D.C. and former Professor of Christian Ethics at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. Wogaman is a past president of the Society of Christian Ethics of the United States and Canada and the author of several books on Christian ethics.
"With its new and revised sections, this second edition of Christian Ethics: A Historical Introduction is a magnificent survey of every important era in the rich, and contested, history of Christian ethics. Phil Wogaman draws on a lifetime of study to offer incisive, and nuanced, analyses of the major figures, movements, and issues in the field. Better yet, Wogaman couples his sharp analyses with thoughtful arguments that not only stake out his own ethical positions but invite the rest of us to struggle with unresolved issues and ongoing debates. The result is a magisterial volume that should be required reading for anyone wanting to understand the roots, historical expressions, and future directions of Christian ethics." Michael G. Long, Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Peace and Conflict Studies, Elizabethtown College