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Preaching in an Age of Globalization


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ISBN-13: 9780664233693
Number of Pages: 184
Published: 19/04/2010
Product description
There are many books on the market that address how culture, race, gender, or economic status affect the way preachers preach and congregations hear sermons. This is the first book to address preaching that promotes solidarity across these differences. Preaching needs to be targeted to specific contexts. But how can a preacher handle specific contexts when we live in a globalized world? What does local context mean and who defines it? Kim develops the concept of "trans-contextual preaching" to show how preachers can respect diversity and global connections. She develops a new theology of preaching, examines the modes of biblical interpretation appropriate for trans-contextual preaching, and explores designs for sermons. Sample sermons from the author provide excellent illustrations.
Author Information

Eunjoo Mary Kim

Eunjoo Mary Kim is associate professorof homiletics at IliffSchool of Theology,Denver, Colorado.

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