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Making Sense of Sex

Responsible Decision Making for Young Singles


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Paperback / softback
ISBN-13: 9780664233372
Number of Pages: 176
Published: 01/02/2011
Product description
Having sex can be a loving and delightful experience, but it can also be emotionally, physically, and spiritually devastating. Many singles struggle to sort out how to make their own sexual experiences physically and emotionally healthy ones. This book can help. Duffy offers a thoughtful guide to sexual decision making for single twentysomethings, exploring ten issues readers should consider when deciding whether and when to have sex. Appropriate for non-Christians and Christians alike, Duffy's work is as relevant to those who have already had sex as it is to those who are considering it for the first time.
Author Information

Michael F. Duffy

Michael Duffy is Professor of Theological Studies at Hanover College in Indiana, where he teaches a popular course on sexual ethics. He is the author of The Skeptical, Passionate Christian (WJK).

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