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Gathering Those Driven Away

A Theology of Incarnation


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ISBN-13: 9780664233211
Number of Pages: 256
Published: 28/07/2011
Product description

This book is a powerful expression of Jesus Christ given in the midst of the brokenness and hostilities of this world, as experienced by those who are marginalized and persecuted in contemporary society. Drawing on broader sources in the Christian tradition, Farley maintains the power of Jesus of Nazareth as the expression of the Divine Eros in Wisdom, to break powers of sin, and provide a vision of life, which is an alternative Empire to present ways and where love reigns as norm.

Author Information

Wendy Farley

Wendy Farley is Professor in the Department of Religion at Emory University. She is the author of Tragic Vision and Divine Compassion: A Contemporary Theodicy and The Wounding and Healing of Desire: Weaving Heaven and Earth.

Product Reviews

"Farley has crafted a remarkable piece of theology in these pages. Through a staggering array of conversation partners--from the first century to folk music--Farley invites us to behold the beauty of incarnation again, especially for those who have been driven away." David H. Jensen, Professor of Constructive Theology, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary "Farley's provocative book delves into the depths of our faith, exposing the vulnerability and fragility of our own hearts. She delightfully welcomes us to embark on a burgeoning theological journey toward wholeness and belonging that ultimately leads to the Divine Eros. This book is powerful, compelling, imaginative, courageous, timely, and splendidly written." Grace Ji-Sun Kim, Associate Professor of Doctrinal Theology, Moravian Theological Seminary "Gathering Those Driven Away: A Theology of Incarnation is for those whose language and experience has been erased by the church, for those who search for their rightful place in Christian communities, and for all who long for an understanding of Jesus that emphasizes God's love for all of humanity." Marcia W. Mount Shoop, author of Let the Bones Dance: Embodiment and the Body of Christ

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