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Author(s): John F. Haught
John F. Haught is Senior Fellow in Science and Religion at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University in Washington, D. C. One of the world's leading thinkers in the field of theology and science, Haught was Chair and Professor in the Department of Theology at Georgetown from 1970 to 2005. An international lecturer and prolific author, his books include Christianity and Science, God After Darwin: A Theology of Evolution, and the prize-winning Deeper than Darwin: The Prospects for Religion in the Age of Evolution.
"John Haught is not simply one of the best theologians of our time; a prophet. Any serious thinker will find in his book a rich banquet of thought, a depth of insight and a God who belongs to evolution."--Ilia Delio, O.S.F, America, March 15, 2010 "Making Sense of Evolution will appeal to anybody with an interest in the roles of science and religion in the modern world. Just as Haught argues that Darwin simultaneously challenges and enriches theology, HaughtA's book challenges and enriches the contemporary discourse between science and religion." --Kenrick Vezina, ForeWord Reviews, March/April 2010 "Ours is an age dominated by 'nothing but' treatments. Religious conservatives and atheist biologists alike engage in a war-to-the-death between evolution and creation. How refreshing, then, to read this brilliant 'both and' synthesis by one of America's leading experts in the field. Authoritative yet immensely readable, this volume offers a powerful vision of a God big enough to encompass the adventure of evolution, contingency, suffering, and randomness. Somehow, one feels, when the dust of battle settles, something like John Haught's rich description of 'infinite and inexhaustible depth' will remain standing." Philip Clayton, Ingraham Professor, Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University and author of In Quest of Freedom: The Emergence of Spirit in the Natural World. "By taking Darwin's and neo-Darwinians' work seriously, Haught satisfyingly shows how Christians can and should be both rigorous scientists and faithful believers." Terrence W. Tilley, Professor of Theology and Chair of the Department, Ford-ham University, Bronx NY