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Question of Providence


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ISBN-13: 9780664232559
Number of Pages: 136
Published: 19/06/2008
Product description
The traditional doctrine of providence has fallen on hard times. Although still invoked on special occasions, the doctrine of God's providence has long since ceased to operate as a guiding principal for many--if not most--Christians. In this clear and engaging book, Charles Wood seeks to renew reflection on the doctrine of providence by reexamining features of the classical doctrine and reorienting the doctrine in a way that coheres with the gospel and offers a fresh vision of God's work in the world.
Author Information

Charles M. Wood

Charles M. Wood is Lehman Professor of Christian Doctrine and Director of the Graduate Program in Religious Studies at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, in Dallas, Texas. Among his books are An Invitation to Theological Study, The Formation of Christian Under-standing: Theological Hermeneutics, and The Question of Providence.

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