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Way the World Is

The Christian Perspective of a Scientist


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ISBN-13: 9780664232146
Number of Pages: 144
Published: 31/10/2007
Product description
In this brief and highly accessible book for general readers, distinguished physicist-turned-theologian John Polkinghorne presents a reasoned account of the Christian view of the world as seen by the one of the world's leading interpreters of the interface between science and religion. Drawing from his experiences as a scientist and a theologian, Polkinghorne argues that Christianity presents a credible and compelling worldview that can be taken seriously even while fully understanding the importance of science.
Author Information

John Polkinghorne

John Polkinghorneis one of the world's leading experts on Science and Religion. A world-class physics Professor at Cambridge who became a priest, Founding President of the ISSR and winner of the Templeton Prize, Polkinghorne's publications include Exploring Reality, Quantum Physics and Theology, Quarks, Chaos and Christianity, Science and the Trinity, Living with Hope, and Belief in God in an Age of Science.

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