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Gospel according to Bob Dylan

The Old, Old Story of Modern Times


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ISBN-13: 9780664232078
Number of Pages: 216
Published: 01/02/2011
Product description
Since the early 1960s, music fans have found Bob Dylan's spirituality fascinating, and many of them have identified Dylan as a kind of spiritual guru. This book, written by a scholar who is a longtime fan, examines Dylan's mystique, asking why audiences respond to him as a spiritual guide. This book reveals Bob Dylan as a major twentieth- and twenty-first-century religious thinker with a body of relevant work that goes far beyond a handful of gospel albums.
Author Information

Michael J. Gilmour

Michael J. Gilmour is Associate Professor of New Testament and English Literature at Providence College in Manitoba, Canada. He is the author of Gods and Guitars: Seeking the Sacred in Post-1960s Popular Music and editor of Call Me the Seeker: Listening to Religion in Popular Music.

Product Reviews

"In the fifty years since Bob Dylan became Bob Dylan, his music has been asking hard questions--and finding powerful answers--about life, love, faith, and justice. Now Michael Gilmour faithfully listens to and thoughtfully writes about Dylan in a way that brings those powerful answers to life. {i>The Gospel according to Bob Dylan is a book for anyone who knows good music can teach us about what really matters." Greg Garrett, author of We Get to Carry Each Other: The Gospel according to U2 and The Other Jesus

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