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God's Land on Loan

Israel, Palestine, and the World


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ISBN-13: 9780664231514
Number of Pages: 144
Published: 03/10/2007
Product description
In this engaging and important book, Old Testament scholar W. Eugene March develops a theology of land, contending that since the world belongs to God, we do not "own" land. Rather, land is a loan from God, and we must use it responsibly and justly. March goes on to examine in some detail the relationship between Israel and the Palestinian people, discussing both the history of that relationship and how it has led to today's conflict.
Author Information

W. Eugene March

W. Eugene March is A. B. Rhodes Professor of Old Testament Emeritus at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He is the author or coauthor of a number of books, including Israel and the Politics of Land and God's Land on Loan, both published by WJK.

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