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Asian and Asian North American Women's Religion and Theology

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ISBN-13: 9780664231408
Number of Pages: 368
Published: 20/08/2007
Product description
Asian American Christianity is one of the fastest-growing forms of American Christianity, and it has already proven to be one of the richest and most innovative movements in North American religion. With a deep understanding of their roots in classic Christianity as well as the diversity of Asian culture, these theological voices have contributed some of the freshest and most provocative work of recent decades. This volume brings together women who are searching for authentic Christian dialogue in a world of hybridity and changing context, and it represents one of the most significant areas of growth and vitality in contemporary Christianity.
Author Information

Rita Nakashima Brock, Jung Ha Kim, Kwok Pui-lan

Rita Nakashima Brock is Founding co-Director of Faith Voices for the Common Good in Oakland, California. She is also a Visiting Scholar at the Starr King School for the Ministry, Graduate Theological Union, in Berkeley, California. Jung Ha Kim is a sociologist and Director of Undergraduate Studies at Georgia State University. She served as the first cochair of the Asian North American Religion and Culture Group at the American Academy of Religion and is the founder of the Asian American Community Research Institute at the Center for Pan Asian Community Services (CPACS). Kwok Pui-lan is Dean's Professor of Systematic Theology at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, and a past president of the American Academy of Religion. An internationally known theologian, she is a pioneer of Asian and Asian American feminist theology and postcolonial theology. She is the author or editor of numerous books published in English and Chinese, her works have been translated into English, Chinese, German, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese. Seung Ai Yang is Associate Professor of Sacred Scripture at the St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity, University of St. Thomas, in St. Paul, Minnesota.

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